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Life Coaching for Teens
Is your child experiencing any of these challenges?
These and other issues are real challenges in teens' lives today. 
Teens have a lot of stressors. Many lack awareness of their own strengths, desires and values and struggle to keep up with the external demands. Often, following those demands, they feel more anxious, unfulfilled and lost. The research is clear, that offering life coaching for your teen is one of the most important investments you can make in their future. It helps them gain self-knowledge, develop a vision for the future and learn skills necessary to achieve it.  

How Does Teen Coaching Work?

We offer different packages based on your teen's needs. We help evaluate different elements in your child's life and identify the areas ripe for a change through coaching, which will lead to positive changes in other areas resulting in holistic well-being.  

Along the way, we learn practices for self- regulation, self-love, mindfulness, mental fitness, healthy connections, and goal setting, among many others. Coaching is successful when the client learns to be a savvy user of the tools they find effective and become independent in finding real solutions in different areas of life moving forward. 

Teen Coaching 

Parent Coaching 

Let us help your teen find their AUTHENTIC HAPPY. 

The coaching packages we offer:

Wholeness coaching is a complete program. We begin by thoroughly evaluating every facet of your child's life to understand what aspects bring them joy and where they see room for improvement. Weekly, we engage in hour-long sessions, diving into the changes they aspire to make, identifying obstacles on their path, and constructing a tailored plan with precise steps and strategies to keep them on track.

Coaching packages are series of sessions designed to target specific areas that adolescents often struggle with. You may choose from the following options: 

Healthy Connections: At the core of human well-being is our skill to establish good relationships. How we connect with others is greatly influenced by the kinds of relationships we observed and experienced while growing up. Especially during adolescence, building strong social bonds is crucial because teenagers are wired to connect more with their peers at this stage. If your child finds it tough to connect socially, this program is designed for them. We'll look at how they currently interact with others and what they'd ideally want in their social life. With this understanding, we'll work on creating a genuine sense of belonging in a social group using various resources and tools.

Confident Self-Knowledge: Adolescence is a crucial time when we shape our identity and figure out who we are and what we want to become. It's important to explore our thoughts, emotions, and senses to understand how they all connect. Understanding ourselves is key to having genuine relationships, making authentic choices, and acting responsibly. Living a happy and fulfilling life comes from aligning our actions with our true selves. This program is designed to help your child become more self-aware and learn techniques that will guide their self-discovery throughout the years. Knowing ourselves well is vital for accepting ourselves and boosting our confidence.

Stress Reduction: Navigating the intricacies of the modern world can be a real struggle for teenagers. There's an abundance of stressors and distractions, and they often grapple with intense emotions and thoughts that they haven't been taught to handle in a healthy manner. This struggle can negatively affect their social interactions, academic performance, and overall quality of life, resulting in increased stress and anxiety. The aim of this program is to assist your teen in understanding their reactions to various stressors and equip them with diverse tools and strategies to effectively manage and reduce stress.

Academic Advancement: Frequently, the difficulties outlined in earlier packages can negatively impact your teen's academic performance. In this program, we pinpoint their strengths and challenges and help them define meaningful personal goals. We assess the internal and external resources necessary for academic progress and incorporate them into a personalized success plan, which is put into action with clear accountability.

Our programs are fully customized to fit your child's specific needs. We mix and match different parts of the program to help you and your child reach the goals you have in mind.


Let's connect! During the 20-minute free consultation, we will discuss your child's needs and how coaching can help them achieve the success they deserve in all areas of life. 


Please note that I am not a licensed therapist and the services I offer are not a substitute for counseling, psychotherapy, mental health care, or substance abuse treatment. The client is solely responsible for their physical, mental, and emotional well-being, decisions, choices, and actions resulting from the coaching sessions.

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